Welcome To Destiny Alive Christian Center

+234 803 342 0272, +234 803 508 3003

2023 International Conference

" Fulfilling Your Ministry"



 Destiny Alive Christian Center – A Beacon of Faith, Transformation, and Miracles.
Destiny Alive Christian Center (DACC) is a vibrant and dynamic ministry located in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria. Led by the visionary and anointed Apostle Omotayo Omoniyi,.
DACC is a thriving spiritual community that stands as a beacon of faith, transformation, and miracles.

Apostle Omotayo Omoniyi, a highly annoited  servant of God, has been divinely commissioned to lead DACC and has devoted his life to building a ministry that is firmly rooted in the Word of God. With an unwavering commitment to biblical principles and a deep understanding of spiritual warfare, Apostle Omoniyi empowers and equips individuals to walk in their God-given destinies.

At DACC, the foundation is built upon the unshakable truth that the Word of God is the key to transformation and breakthrough. The teachings and sermons at DACC are powerful, relevant, and uncompromising, providing a firm spiritual foundation for believers to grow and thrive in their faith journey. 

Apostle. Omotayo Omoniyi

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help is not far When God is Near!

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Pastor Mrs. Omoniyi

Home Sweet home.

Builing A Godly Home.

Welcome Brethren.  Today, we shall be looking at the all-important subject of ‘Child’s Training’

I termed it “all important” because if every home gives quality training to its wards, our society will be a better place to live in. Child training refers to the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Every parent has the responsibility to train their children aright, as the Bible commands that we train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
Parents must bear in mind that the children of today are the adults of tomorrow who constitute the future generation. Christian parents must ask themselves what legacy they are leaving behind for their children. Nothing can be compared with a sound upbringing.


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Hic commodo odio pharetra magni aliquet posuere aptent mus leo class urna. Eum diamlorem, netus posuere aptent mus.

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''And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.'' Rev. 12:11